Apply for Visa to Spain In Peru peru flag
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Condiciones de entrada en España

Los nacionales de terceros Estados necesitan un visado nacional cuando vayan a permanecer en España durante más de 90 días (en cualquier período de 180 días) con el fin de trabajar, estudiar o establecer su residencia. También necesitan un visado nacional cuando se desplacen para trabajar por un período inferior a 90 días.

Visados Nacionales - Información general

Dear Applicants, Travel Agents and Representatives, please read the new rates carefully:

Type of visa Visa fees in SOL
Adults 367.70 SOL
BLS Service Charges 85 SOL


  • The visa fee mentioned above must be paid in cash only.
  • The applicable visa fee in US dollars is based on the current exchange rate. It is subject to change without notice.
  • The fee is non-refundable

Please note:

  • The service charge includes taxes and is an additional fee to the visa fee.

Documentos Requeridos

"Lista de Verificación"

Note: We regret we cannot accept photographs that do not meet these requirements

Please provide one recent photograph (not more than 6 months old) of yourself, which should not have been used previously in the passport. The photograph should be in colour and:

  • Taken against a light background (white or off-white) so that features are distinguishable and contrast against the background.
  • Clear share quality and with the face in focus.
  • Printed on normal photographic paper (camera print).
  • Full face, non-smiling [without sunglasses, a hat/cap or other head covering, unless the applicant wears such items because of their religious belief or ethnic background]
  • Please stick the Photograph on the Visa Application Form.

Note: Please follow these instructions carefully. If photographs presented do not meet these requirements your application will be considered incomplete. A photo booth meeting these requirements is available at the centre.